Tuscany wedding photographer

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Questions to ask your wedding photographer


Questions to ask your wedding photographer


I know not everyone is hiring a photographer frequently so I hope our blog can be helpful for you.

5 questions to ask the wedding photographer before hiring him/her:

• their backup! I would say this one is the most important so start from here! Nowadays 1 backup is just not enough, hard disks can break, servers crash and many other things can happen. Having at least 2-3 backups will assure you that your pictures are safe. Wedding happens only once, there is no redo!

We have 3 backups of each wedding: one is on our server, one is on external hard disk and one on could.

• the editing and delivery! This one is important to ask mostly to avoid misunderstanding. Are they editing their pictures or outsource it? Is there any additional cost if photoshop needed? There is no right or wrong answer whatsoever , every photographer has its own method but it is necessary for you to know what you will get.

On a wedding we usually shoot 5000-6000 pictures, then after around 4 culling we arrive to the number of the final delivery (approx 1000 images) which means that we are going to edit one by one all the selected pictures.

• is he/she alone, with a second shooter or with an assistant?

There is a huge difference between lead photographer, second shooter and assistant. The lead photographer(s) going to take the main shots and being experienced can handle various situations surely he/she is the one with whom you have contact and relationship before your wedding. The second shooters are good photographers with many skills to, they may not work everytime with the same photographer and they will mostly document your wedding day without interfere. The assistant are there with the photographer to make his life easier, holding lenses and cameras, adjusting the wedding dress and they are responsible in case for the lighting if flash needed.

• family pictures! Family is the most important thing in life, make sure he is willing to take formal portraits of you.

These portraits are important for us to capture as well, usually these are the ones what your parents will ask for and your grandmother wants to print in the first place. They walked with you all the way, making them happy too with some stunning pictures is the least we can do.

• extra working hours! Are they booking an event or working on hourly rate? If they are on hourly rate are they strict or flexible? Booking more event/shooting on the same day? Again, avoid misunderstanding and ask! Better to see clearly in advance if any additional cost may come up and plan well. Delays can happen and you want to make sure you have pictures of the cake cutting even if it runs late.

We always book only one event a day to be able to stick with you from the beginning to the end, helping you where we can and documenting this special occasion. It is all about the experience and we want to make sure you have the best one. You deserve the best care on your wedding day and for us the most important thing is to enjoy this day without worrying about timing.


Questions to ask your wedding photographer




To be continued…

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